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Monthly Archives: April 2010

Take Five

This sweet ride was locked in front of Tucker’s Ice Cream in Alameda this afternoon (just across the street from where I spotted the cool Tiki Bike a few months ago): It seats five, just like the Honda Accord behind it, but I bet it was a lot more fun to ride to the ice […]

Anonymous Mayoral Candidate Seeks Good Help

I was perusing the Craigslist job listings (anyone in need of a gently used blogger and dilettante?) when I came across this ad: Liberal Oakland Mayoral Candidate Seeks Campaign Staff (oakland downtown) Life-long leftist grass roots organizer and business woman considering bid in upcoming election. In order to evaluate a logistical and thematic approach we […]

Where Angels Dwell

I was passing by Mountain View Cemetery a bit before dusk today, so I decided to go in and take some pictures. I posted a few more in a Flickr set.


No particular rhyme or reason to these photos, and if I had anything better to post, these would probably be relegated to Flickr, but they’ll have to fill the void for now. All taken this morning in Oakland:


Somehow, a bike and a camera can turn a quick outing to do two easy errands into a three hour odyssey to Middle Harbor Shoreline Park and other spots around town. Sadly, I only ended up with a couple of photos that seem worth posting here:

Under the Freeway and Through the Parking Lot, to Amtrak’s House We Go

If you want to walk from historic (and tourist-oriented) Old Town Sacramento to the train station, you are directed across a parking area, under two or three freeway ramps, and then through another parking lot. (The yellow sign says “TO AMTRAK STATION” and the sign on the parking lot booth behind it says “PAY HERE.” […]